Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Choose Joy

Decorating the Christmas tree at my in-laws. Every year the parents buy an ornament for each of their children because they want them to have ornaments when they are married and have a family. I thought that this was such a wonderful idea and so sweet... I bought PJ an ornament last year because I found one that had to do with ice skating. I took PJ ice skating for the first time and we had so much fun with our friends. This year, we started decorating the tree and we exchanged ornaments. PJ was a little sad because he didn't get an ornament from his parents and instead had to buy one for me. This was obviously a big change for him because he was so used to getting great ornaments and didn't want to be disappointed with mine. He was so nervous when it was time to exchange because I told him I saw one that I really wanted too. I found the joy in these little times that we can spend together because it is something we can not only do with our family but with each other. =) I got him a grinch ornament that is stealing presents from under the tree and he got me one of Lady and the Tramp. They were both sooooo cute and he loved his!!! It was a great time and even though it was just decorating a tree and seeing new ornaments, It filled my heart with joy because I know some people can't have this very moment and God has blessed me with such a wonderful life.

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