Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Choose Joy #14...crying

I know this sounds weird... but I found joy in crying today. As you all may know, I am pregnant and very emotional. I keep reading about making sure that the nursery is ready for the baby and that the room is warm and welcoming... even though the baby is not here yet, I still feel like I need to be prepared and the room is just too cluttered with too much crap everywhere! I started crying because all the bins were everywhere and there was NO room for a crib, baby toys, even a space for a diaper bag. My DH was trying to understand why I was getting so frustrated over a cluttered bin, but he forgets I can't stand something looking the same for too long either. He tried to comfort me and give me kisses but I said, just forget it. I buried my head under my robe on my bed and just cried until I called my parents for some advice. No luck there... put them in the garage they say. My in-laws hate foreign things in their areas and I didn't want to bug them about putting my stuff in there... so I said, just forget it. I cried until I fell asleep and woke up about 10 minutes later. My dad called and woke me up saying, just put them in bins and we can make a space in our garage for them. Don't stress out and be happy. He always tries to help in every way. I sucked it up, ate dinner and worked on my room from 8pm to now, 12:38am! My room is clutter free, the boxes are down stairs ready to be loaded in the Burb, and the room is ready for some baby stuff!! (I am registered at Target and BabiesRUs) =) So now I am going to bed worry free and stress free...

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