Friday, December 26, 2008

Choose Joy #21... Christmas the Day After!

This morning I had to work 10-4pm and get some errands done... so when PJ picked me up, I was so tired and cranky from all the customers that were impatient and rude! We forgot about our errands and just went home. We relaxed and ended up taking a little nap after we ate. When we woke up, his parents, my in-laws were downstairs and yelled, "DON'T come down here!" Ok, so we couldn't go downstairs and instead sat upstairs and watched a little t.v. They finally said we could come down and when we did, we saw so many presents sitting by the tree. We were going to spend Christmas together on Saturday but they decided to surprise us and do it tonight.

I saw the stroller and matching car seat first and had the biggest smile on my face!!

This is a close up of one of our beautiful gifts.

We first had to do stockings first before presents and that was in the other room. Doing stockings with my in-laws is completely different from opening stockings with my family. It was like a mini-Christmas with all these presents underneath our stockings. My pile is with all the peppermint stuff because they knew I love peppermint. PJ's is the pile next to my with a boot dryer, beanies, shaving stuff, etc. I felt so spoiled and thanked God for blessing me with such a loving family.

This is a present from my SIL and her boyfriend. It is a portable swing and a Winnie the Pooh mobile. I can't wait for little JP to arrive!!

This is a Christmas present to ourselves and I put it together. I LOVE this!!

Overall, my Christmas weekend was perfect. I am so happy that God gave me such a wonderful family by blood and through marriage. It puts me at ease to know that my son will be raised by loving people who will show him the truth about Christmas every year!

1 comment:

Sherry said...

This post makes my heart happy. I think PJ and his family are just wonderful. Take good care of them and appreciate them! Are you doing classic Winnie the Pooh for the nursery?