Sunday, December 14, 2008

Choose Joy #11

Not everyone was happy about the snow that came falling last night... and I wasn't either... until I came home today and my DH told me he might not have to work because it will be below freezing tomorrow morning. He works with concrete and he is suppose to pour concrete but it is not possible if the weather is bad. That means we might have the day off together. We made a list of everything we need to get done and if he doesn't have to work tomorrow, we will get the list done! =) That is good news for me especially because today at work was a LONG day! I know it is something small... but I take joy in everything God gives us... He does it for a reason~!

1 comment:

SavedbyGrace said...

Time with your dh is not small! It doesn't matter if you're tying shoe laces together all that matters is that you have that time together, if you get some things done it is a bonus =] love you sis.