Monday, December 29, 2008

Choose Joy #24...Peace

My DH agreed to sit on the toilet and listen to a Bible message with me while I soaked in a bath. I know this sounds really weird but it was actually relaxing and very peaceful! My brother told my DH about an online radio station that has Bible messages that are 30 minutes long. My DH and I decided that we should listen to a message every night before we go to bed. I have been feeling really tired and worn out the last couple of days and wanted to soak in a bath. It was already 9:30pm and past my bedtime, so he agreed to sit in the bathroom and listen to it while I soaked. It was probably the most peaceful thing I have done in such a long time. Being pregnant has really taken a toll on my body mentally, physically and spiritually. PJ and I are trying to focus more time on the Lord so we can be better parents for our dear Julius. He will be coming any day now and it is important to my DH that he can teach all he knows about the Word of God to Julius. We learned today that it is important to teach the young ones the Word early. Our favorite verse in the message was Proverbs 1:7a-The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge... My DH has been repeating it since the message has been over. I am so blessed to have a husband who wants to grow and learn all he can about the Word of God. It helps me stay on track and we really grow as a couple through this experience. My joy is the peace of God. The Word, my peace in marriage, my peace in my bath, and my peace in my DH!!


Sherry said...

What a sweet and honest post Tab. I just loved reading this. The station sounds cool. Which is it? Julius is very blessed already. =]

TrulyBlessed said...

The website is called and we are listening to "thru the bible with Dr. J Veron Mcgee". It is really nice! His voice is soothing and will make you feel at home since you are used to the Fund. Baptist preaching! =) Enjoy!