Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Choose Joy... #8

Names... so hard to find a right name for this baby I am having... should it be this or should it be that... who knows... it is so difficult because you want your baby's name to mean something of importance. We finally got it down to two names... either Julius Paul Wolfe... or Justus Paul Wolfe... and then if we choose Justus, how would we spell it?! Justis, Justus, Justice, who knows! Today, I am thinking about this name and this baby and trying to find the right one. I will find joy in either name and will be satisfied! If you have any suggestions, let me know...

1 comment:

Sherry said...

How about JZ Marco said. I say Jeremiah. Oh, now Marco is saying what about Jesus? LOL Jingleheimer? Hmmmm...Jereboam? Joseph? Big Joe? Joshua? Good luck!