Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thanksgiving and Christmas
Speaking of Black Friday, we had the best one because it was just Walmart. Yes, small town equals only one store, however, we were there at 4:45am (with the excited Julius) and were able to get EVERYTHING we wnted, paid for, and packed in the car by 5:25am!! How awesome is that?! We could NEVER do that in Washington. We did miss out on the great deals at Target, but another time. We were content that day. =)
Christmas... we just had a visit from PJ's grandparents and that was fun. They loved our church, how friendly everyone was, the small town feel, and of course, our wonderful house! They came on Saturday and left today, Tuesday morning. The wind last night was crazy... I heard it was suppose to be 75 mile winds!! I wonder if it was more! Well, now PJ and I are relaxing... somewhat... his work for some reason always gets him to go into the station on his off days. He was gone for about 3 hours but now we are going to eat leftover pizza, cherry pie and vanilla bean ice cream and watch a movie. We have our Christmas party on December 11 at the church and PJ is going to try and stop by. Then we will be heading home to WA from December 15th-21st.
In WA, we are going to try and stay at my parents' house from the 15th-17th and then in Olympia at PJ's mom's 18th-21st. I am going to see my bestie Liz, go to the TAC mall, be with my parents, go to a game to see my cheerleaders, go out with bestie Tina and her boyfriend, have Christmas with fam including Deborah, go to Zeke's basketball games, go to Oregon, go to Southcenter to see roomies Kate and Donis to try on bridesmaid dresses, go to Pj's fam Christmas party, Christmas with PJ's fam, spend time with his dad, then come home. Yes, seriously busy vacation... but we will have fun! Hopefully... no... we will have FUN! =)
Then in NM, we will be back and have Christmas with Al and Cora on the 25th... PJ has to work, then Julius' check up on the 29th... and then............................................. NEW YEARS! I can't believe how fast time flies. December is already going by so quickly.
I probably won't post till 2010 so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Make it a good one. Remember, Thank God for what you have and Trust God for what you need!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Home at LAST!!!
I love my new house... it is so refreshing to wake up in my own bed and be able to walk straight to my bathroom in my room!!! I have always wanted a master room with a bathroom and now I have one, who would of though?! Every morning I wake up, brush my teeth, go to the living room and open all the blinds, open the kitchen window, and let Cougar out to pee. When I open my living room window and see Kettle top and all the mountains, I thank God for this beautiful home. Then, quickly I go to get Julius because he has already been awake goo-ing and gaga-ing... I nurse him then put him in his high chair.
Julius Julius Julius. I am struggling with him and his solids. For the past two to three weeks he has been stubborn about eating his food. He used to open his mouth all wide everytime, but now he keeps his lips sealed together and turns his head. I know he likes the foods because he used to love the ones I give him. I don't do green beans or peas anymore because he hated those and I figured I would just give it to him when he can eat them whole. (I never liked smushed up green beans either! =)) He loves eating finger foods and my mom sent me these rice cakes, so I break off pieces and put them on his high chair table. I am working on him picking things up because his thumb is still a little immoble. He has been doing really well but when his fingers get all slobbery, he can't get the rice cake to come off his fingers and into his mouth. So then I have to peel it off and put it in his mouth. He has been talking a lot more and I love it. Last night we went on a walk around 7:30pm before PJ had to go to work... Julius was talking so much just looking at everything around him when PJ would shine on something with the flashlight. He loves Cougar. If he wakes up and I don't want to wake up and get him yet, Cougar would run to the door and put her paws on the crib as to tell Jules that everything is fine, she is there now. Then she sits and waits for me to get up. If I don't get up, she runs into my room and puts her paws in MY face!! I hate it, so now I try to get up before she comes barging through my door. haha... she hates to hear him cry. She is such a good sister to Jules! Sitting up... he has finally been able to sit up on his own. He is having a hard time not throwing himself back, but will sit up and play with toys in front of him for at least 10 minutes. You can tell he is a first-time-sitter because his head is still a little heavy, but I am proud of him for trying. He still doesn't crawl, but when I put him on his tummy, he scootches backwards or rolls over... so he is working on it.
I love being a housewife!!! It is the best thing ever. I get to clean my house all day... it never stays dirty because I am so picky. lol I make sure there are never dishes in the sink, nothing on the floors, dust the table and ledges, no dead bugs on the window seal (part of living by the lake), windows are clean with no streaks, beds are made, bathrooms are clean, clothes are put away... ahhhh... I love it! I know some of you are thinking I am crazy but it's true. I get to be in a clean house with my son and puppy all day. When it is nice out I will wash Cougar or weed outside... sometimes take a trip to town and go run errands or go visit Esther. When I sub, I still do all those things when I get home, but then I just feel rushed... and if I had a bad day subbing, then I don't want to do anything. Don't get me wrong, I love subbing and have a lot of fun with the different students, but there are those days when I wish I could just be hoome cleaning or making muffins! =)
The one thing I hate... PJ being gone. I know it is his job and I understand that being an officer is a time-taking job... but sometimes I just wish I could just have a week with no subbing or cop duty. Yes, this is selfish of me because I know there are couples who have both parents work every single day. Or like my family, when both parents would work from 6am-9pm by the latest. I guess I just miss my partner. I have come to realize that "honey do" list are nonexistent. PJ would ask me what I want or need him to do, I would write it down and place it on the table. Then, on his off days he would try to do all he can. Well, it came down to him never being able to get to the jobs I asked him to do because he would be so tired. I would just end up doing the jobs because they had to be done. I never get mad at him for not being able to get to them because I know he just doesn't have time. I feel bad for him really because he wants to get to them and wants to do them but by the time he comes home, he is exhausted. Men want to feel like they are the fixer and need to be depended on... so I feel sad that he can't really feel this way. For example, he worked last night from 9pm suppose to be till 7am, but he just walked through the door and it is 9:40am. So now he is going to shower, eat and go to sleep because he has to go back to work at 3pm-1am. His hours are never set in stone so it makes it hard. He loves his job and he loves what he does, but I miss him.
The judge said that there has been more arrests now that PJ is in town. He is such a hard worker and really hates criminals, lol so he does what he can. I can tell you for sure, if you are in T or C NM, don't think about speeding because he will get you and you will get a ticket! haha... He loves to spend time with Cougar and Julius. His favorite thing is to take them down to the lake and throw Cougar in and watch her swim to shore. =) We love our life and are having so much fun together. I can't believe that PJ and I have been married for over a year now. Everyone said that once we move into our own house that there will be problems and issues that we never had before... but so far, we are doing good. He is a great husband and will do anything I ask because he wants to make sure I am happy. I try to be the best wife for him and starting this week to the new year, I am going to try and be the most encouraging wife there could be.
Sorry this is so long, just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out. lol Thank you to those of you who have sent us gift cards or money or even cards.... it is really sweet and we are so appreciative. Have a great day!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Janette Oke "Love Comes Softly" series
Well, just wanted to share my thoughts on this series! lol
Friday, September 4, 2009
Surprise... here I am!
Move to New Mexico: I am having a great time here. PJ loves his job as an officer and I love being a substitute teacher. The weather is great, the lake is beautiful, and the rainbows and sunsets... God is amazing. Enough said there! It is quite a difference from living in Washington my whole life. Sometimes I still wonder when I am going to go back home. I guess since I don't have a house to myself yet makes it seem a little less realistic.
T or C Police: Like I said... PJ loves his job. I, on the other hand, can't stand the long hours. All of the officers tell him that most officer-marriages end in divorce because all of the chaos that goes on. I know that won't happen to us because we have God as our third member... but the 14-15 hour shifts are not helping. PJ is suppose to work 10 hour shifts for 4 days on and 3 days off. So far he has worked on 1-2 of his off days almost every week and the days he is scheduled to work, he ends up working from like 8am-10pm, 3pm-4am, and today he works 7-5pm but we will see if that is really what he ends up working. I feel bad for him because he isn't getting enough sleep... but the captain loves his work and says that PJ is a very hard working man! I agree with that!
Teaching: Ok, I decided to sub for a part time job so we could get a loan for the house of our dreams. I only have to work about 2-3 days a month to help out with the house payment. Actually, my working 2 days a month will cover our medical payments and that is very nice because this is the first time we have had really good medical for a medical,dental,vision plan. I don't mind working a few days because I know it will help with starting our life off and it's nice to be in the schools every so often. I do hate leaving Julius because I worry about him so much. I hate that my milk doesn't produce enough to pump after feedings so he will have bottles. I don't like it when he has to drink formula... but since we are starting him on solids, hopefully it will get better. Teaching is fun... elementary... that is a different story. I don't know how you teachers do it. I hate the tattling, the whining, the complaining, oh and the random stories that come out of no where. I thought that was only in kindergarden! It is a nice change from rude high school students I must admit. And it is fun reading stories like "The Whoosh of Gadoosh" because then I know what I could read to Julius when he is a little older. (Great book by the way!) All in all, the students have more manners here and actually pay attention. It's a nice change.
Julius: He is over 6 months old now and I am loving every minute of it. He is rolling over from his tummy to his back and from his back to his side, sometimes to his tummy. He can hold his head up, is starting on solids, and is working on sitting up. We put him in the Bumbo seat or sit him up by holding him under his arms. He is almost 13 pounds, so we have him on a supplement vitamin and I am hoping when he eats solids more often, he will get bigger. He is a healthy, strong boy who loves to kick and suck on his toes and fingers. He amazes me every day and I thank God that he is such a blessed child. He is trying to talk these days more so than others. He babbles and loves to hear the sounds he makes when he talks with his fingers in his mouth. He loves the camera, if you haven't noticed already... he smiles when ever there is a flash or if he sees me open my cell phone. I know my mom misses him so much and I bet if she poked her head in the crib he would get the biggest smile of them all! The sad thing is, we can't find our video camera charger, so I haven't been able to get him on video between his 5th and 6th months... and now we are about to go to his 7th month. So I think I am just gonna have to buy a new one. =(
Our Dream House: I love the house we chose!!! It is a flat top adobe house with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 3/4 of an acre, has a boat cover/shed, already painted in great colors inside, and from our roof- a lake view!! We are going to put stairs to the top to have as our patio so we can sit up there and enjoy the view. (PJ's favorite part!) The house inspection went great and our closing date is September 25th. We are just waiting for my paycheck from the school district on Sept. 20th and all the paper work will go through then! I am so excited I can't contain myself. We are house sitting right now until next Friday and then another week in a half at Esthers-then in our own home!!!! Yes, it will be hard without a fridge, washer and dryer, couches, and chairs to our dining room table... but nevertheless... it is our first home and we will get everything in time! (If you would like to donate anything... we would accept! haha just kidding!) At least it will make the move easy right?! The funny thing is, Julius is the one with the most stuff! He already has a crib, pack and play, a glider, decor, ect!! I am happy that his room will be complete though. Yup, can't wait!!
Cougar: This is the name of the dog we want to buy. We found her at the humane society about two weeks ago. She is about 1 and we thought she was a ridgeback mix... but we found who her owner is and they say she is a full-blood hound. The sad thing is, we talked to the officer who found her and she said that Cougar was thrown out of a moving truck on the highway as if they were trying to kill her. She is the sweetest dog who loves kids, is beautiful, and doesn't hardly bark!! That is the part I love. lol We are going to go put a down payment on her so no one buys her. We like to go play with her and give her bones... We just bought a toy and a brush for her. The only thing is, she has to stay there until we get our house. I honestly don't know how we are going to afford a new house, a baby, and a dog... but PJ is determined to rescue her. She has already been at the society for going on 3 months now... so I said it was fine. I don't think I have to explain her name. lol (Her picture with PJ is on our QUINTessentials if you want to see her!)
Well, I think that is about it. I don't know what else is going on in our lives... I believe this is the most detailed update I have ever written... If you have any questions or comments, just leave them or let me know... I hope everyone is doing well and I thank you so much for all your love and prayers!!! Have a great day!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thanks Sherry! You're the Best!



Sunday, March 29, 2009
Julius is eating well and his "peanut" is healing very well. The sad thing is that he will be getting his kidneys checked because there is too much fluid around them. This means he has to get a catheter/tube stuck through the hole and up to his kidneys, plus the numbing medicine. I hate putting him through pain, it is horrible to see it. He has been peeing really well so I don't know why we have to check it! I'd rather be safe than sorry though. That will be on Tuesday at 1:15pm.
The daffodil parade is this Saturday and I have to go all day. I have a test that morning for two hours and then the parade is from 11:30-6:30pm. What am I suppose to do? BF while walking in the parade?!! ha... who knows, that will be an adventure in itself. Then that night I am going bowling for Deborah's birthday around 8 or 9pm... Sunday will truly be the day of rest! Then starting Monday, I have my 6 week check up... we will see how I am doing with that! After is cheer tryouts for the week of April 6th and we do not have that many girls trying out. How am I suppose to start fresh and optimistic if there isn't anyone trying out?! Personally, I don't think it was advertised enough, but we will have to wait and see I guess. I have high hopes for this upcoming year so please pray it starts out right.
PJ is still in the background check for the Boarder Patrol... we pray everyday that God works with them and gives him the job that he needs. As of right now, times are truly hard and we are so thankful we have both set of parents here to help us out. Well, that should be all the updates we have right now... post a message so I know you stopped by!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Julius Paul... my blessing!

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Love... my sister Esther

I love my sister so much. I can't believe she came all the way over here to be with me during my special time. I would not have gotten through labor without her and I am so blessed to have someone love me so much like she does. She has taught me so much during my pregnancy and continues to go on while she is here... she is teaching me everything I need to know to be a great mother. I hope I turn out just like her because I know that she loves her kids more than anything. She has been such a blessing while being here with me and taking care of me. DH thinks she is so smart, "she already has her dr. degree... ask her anything and she knows it!" That is my sister... she knows how to describe everything and knows exactly what to say and do in any case. I love her so much and I can't explain what her being here means to me. She is such an awesome sister and mother and I am less scared of how I will do. Thanks sis for everything. It means the world to me that you are here... literally... you have helped me so much and have show Julius so much love in the past couple of days. I am so happy you could be with me during this important time of my life. You are the best!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Love... my baby
I love my little Julius Paul Wolfe! His nickname is JP and he is everything to me. He was born on Saturday February 21st, 2009 at 4:17pm. His weight was 4 pds and 12 ounces and was 18 inches long. He is now 4 pds and 5 ounces but is growing strong. We had to stay in the special care nursery and are still here but he is fighting through!! He was 5 weeks early and has not learned the sucking and swallowing methods very well, but he is learning quickly and is doing great. He has jaundice and was on the photo therapy for one day and was able to get off of it today. He went from a 12.6 to a 9, which is completely fine for his size. He is digesting his formula and the colostrum better than he did before so today he was able to get his feeding tube taken out.

He has been latching on better than before and is keeping the weight. We are hoping to be out of here by Friday, but only if he is doing better. We are praying that he continues to gain the weight he needs to keep body fat on him and learns to feed a little better. So far God has really shown his blessing for us and our faith just continues to grow stronger everyday. Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us. I can't wait for Julius to come home and feel comfortable in his own environment. We have so many people who show so much love and care for us and we are so grateful for everyone who has been there for us. Thanks again and we will keep you posted!
Day 1 Just born
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Love... She's Everything
Yes, I am in-love with this song... She's Everything by Brad Paisley. My DH dedicated this song to me... he heard it in Pullman when he was still there for a semester and I was over on the westside. This song is completely for us and we love it so much. It made him so happy that I put it on my play list... First I was looking at Deborah's page and he heard it and said, "wait... who stole my song?! This better not be on Deborah's page!!" lol I thought it was too funny...
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Photo Tag!

So I opened my 6th file and then there were more files, so I opened the 6th file in that file and found the 6th picture. Lol... Now that I type it, I wish it was a different number. haha...
This is Sue and I when she came to visit me in Pullman with Tina and Deborah. It is nice to see this picture because now she lives in SAN FRAN and I never see or talk to her... what great memories!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
LOVe... my siblings

Esther is always there to talk to... no matter what the question is, she seems to know exactly what the answer is... especially about babies. She loves talking about baby stuff and if you have no idea about something, just ask her... she will give you the whole definition!!

Sherry cracks me up... no matter what she is doing, she will always stop to hear what you have to say or tell you something to make you feel better. You always feel special when Sherry talks to you because you know how busy her life is and for her to stop and talk for even two minutes means so much.

Ondray... he is an odd one... he will just call you out of the blue and talk to you as if he talks to you everyday. Just to check on you, see how everything is, and make sure you are doing all right. After all, he is the only brother and it is his job to watch over his younger sisters! =)

Deborah... surprise!! That is what you get when you talk to her. One night I got a text message from her about bowel movements. Now I know this is crazy to say, but at 10pm, what else does she have to tell you?! She keeps a smile on my face and whenever I feel lonely, I can count on her to tell me something outrageous or thoughtful.

My siblings are amazing people. All of them have something to share and are great role models for me. I have learned so much from watching them grow, listening to their advice, and even observing their way of raising kids. My sisters and brother are some of the most important people in my life and I know if I needed them, they would be on the next flight or drive to come rescue me... I know this from experience and I don't know how much they know, but I TRULY appreciate all that they, and their families, have done for me. There is no greater love than the love through blood!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Friendship Award

Thank you Esther!!
1. Deborah
2. Hannah
3. Corianne
4. Traci
Sunday, February 15, 2009

how wonderful he is!!! Valentine's Day is suppose to be the wonderful day of love and support... that was not the case for me. I was so bummed because I had to go coach cheer at the wrestling match. Turns out at the last minute almost all of my cheerleaders tried to text me and tell me they couldn't go. They knew this was mandatory and they HAD to go... I spent all day in Spanaway to make sure I could go to the tournament and had to put all my plans on hold. I am down to 10 cheerleaders now and only 3 girls were dedicated to go... I couldn't get ahold of my boss and I was already in some trouble with the administration due to early problems. I just broke down in tears and didn't know what to do... PJ was out getting his oil changed and I was trying to get ready to leave. When I started crying, my DH walked through the door with a card and a bouquet of flowers. His card was so sweet and thoughtful and the flowers were my favorite kind. He gave me a hug and kiss and held me and told me everything was going to be fine. He is always there for me when I really need him and he always seems to know exactly what to do to make me feel better. I love him with all my heart and I am so blessed to have such a great husband like him. PJ I love you!

my camera died so the picture will come later.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Love... My sister Deborah
Deborah... oh how she doesn't understand pregnant women! I went to visit her and we decided to go to Seattle. Who knew this was going to be a marathon trip... I should have known when Deb and Clint always walk everywhere together! So, the first thing we have to do is catch the ferry... Deb said maybe we shouldn't walk to the ferry and just pay for parking. After we got to the ferry I was VERY thankful we didn't walk from her apartment. We rode the ferry for one hour to Seattle and saw the beautiful view on the water. It was a fun ride and a great time to hang out with Deborah and talk about all kinds of things. We got to Seattle around 1:30pm and wow... I forgot how to walk... I used to be able to walk everyone because of all the hills in Pullman. These hills were no joke, especially for a pregnant woman!!! We went to Pike Place and explored, walked up the hills to the big mall and checked out some of the stores there... then it was time for lunch! I had to sit down because I thought my legs were going to fall off... after lunch at "Mexico" we went to Nordstroms and the Rack... I had to find my DH a valentine's present for under $20. That was the hardest thing in the world!!! Deborah gave me great ideas and stuck with me to try and find just what I wanted. We really wanted to find one certain thing but couldn't find it anywhere!! It was 6:15pm and the ferry came at 6:45pm so we had to get back... my friend told me there was a bus we could ride to the ferry but NO... Deb wanted to walk... "it's not that far Tabitha, come on!!" She is crazy I tell you... On the way back we passed a store that was closed and had multiple styles of the one thing I wanted to get for my DH!! We were bummed we missed it on our way up!

Deb and I got to the ferry and had a fun talk on the way back... there was even a point where we were dying laughing because I told her a story and ended up saying my roots in my teeth that are connected to my ears... I don't know how it came out but we were laughing soooooo hard! Deborah was concerned because she thought my teeth issue was more serious then she had thought! lol It was a great ride... then we remember we had to walk back to the car. That was scary because of the dark alleys and I prayed Deborah remembered where she parked.
We got home safely, watched a movie and ate dinner and then Deb thought it would be nice if we worked on the dance routine for my cheerleaders. This is why I love my sister. I have just walked all over town with her and now that it is around 10pm she wants me to dance with her. Is she crazy?!! Yes, yes she is... because she got mad at me when I said I was tired and my legs were going to fall off. We finally went to bed and when we woke up she made me dance with her... that funny girl!! She ended up coming to cheer practice and helping me teach the girls a routine for their pep assembly performance and really helped me out! I love her to death and I am so happy I have such a giving sister like her!! What fun times we have together.
Sherry, I apologize for asking you to come to my classes in Pullman when you were pregnant. Kudos for you because I KNOW you had to have been dying going up all the hills. I am sorry for not understanding your pain!!! =) I love you...
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Love... Sunday

I love Sundays. This is the day of rest and now that I have taken time off from BBW, Sunday is truly my day of rest. I spent today going to church, relaxing, watching a movie and eating sandwiches. I loved everything about today. The class that my DH and I have been attending has been so inspirational and helpful for our relationship. We are meeting people in there that have been really nice and show us how to have a marriage based on being Christ-centered. This is so important to me because I want so badly for PJ to be the leader of our family and to have a Christ-centered home. It makes me really happy that he now wakes up before me on Sunday mornings. I know this sounds weird, but I used to be the one who got up first and get into the shower right away. Lately with being pregnant, I have snoozed the alarm for 5 minutes, but then PJ jumps right up and gets to the shower first... I am happy because that means he is excited to go to church instead of sleeping in. This is very important to me and warms my heart because that means we are one step closer. =)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Love... my baby
Monday, February 2, 2009
Love... through God's eyes

- Accept others unconditionally - Romans 15:7
- Commit yourself personally - I John 3:16
- Forgive others freely - Colossians 3:13
God loves us no matter what... it doesn't mean He approves of what we do at all times, but He does accept us. Love needs commitment. One thing that I need to work on and I am sure everyone needs to work on this one is... Remember no more - Hebrews 10:17.
Why is it that we are so easy to judge those that are different or even those that need love the most? Why can we forgive but then say later, we can't forget? Imagine if God told us He would fogive everything we do but will never forget... How would that make us feel?!
My DH and I heard this during our message at church yesterday... it was an eye opener and my DH even wrote a note to me saying, "I will remember no more Yobo!" I thought it was really cute because we both knew this is something that would only help us in life and in our marriage.
We need to offer forgiveness and ask for forgiveness... we need to forgive AND forget. Believe me, it will help you live your life so much happier and it will be filled with love more so than any other feeling. I challange you... can you remember no more?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
worst week... great day... what's next?
After the vehicle incident I was at my appt. Come to find out my Dr. wants me on bed rest and drinking lots of liquids. My ultrasound showed that my placenta isn't big enough to produce the amount of nutrients for baby JP. They couldn't find his Right Kidney and his Left Kidney is measuring smaller than it is suppose to. She said we can't do anything about it right now except watch it and tell the Pediatritian when he is born. This did not help my day at all.
That night PJ and I had to toe my car from Olympia to Spanaway. We had to take Yelm Highway because it is not allowed to be on I-5... we both have never toed vehicles before. I did not realize it was going to be an ice box in there and the windshield would be fogged up the entire time. Not to mention I was scared out of my wits to be behind PJ's big suburban being pulled all over. The corners were scary and my stomach was tense and my back was so sore. It turned out to be an hour and a half drive... Of course, right before we get to Roy the toe strap snaps from all the jerking and we have to pull over. Did I mention this is at 10pm and it is freezing?! This was definitely the worst day ever... PJ and I were trying to stay calm but were so frustrated communicating between eachother on our blue tooths... by the time we got to my parents house we were upset with eachother and I just wanted to go to bed...
Finally, Tuesday was cheer practice and a basketball game and I had to go to both because my JV coach was at the dr. with a sinus infection and strep throat. It was the perfect next day. ha!!
So Wednesday I was able to make my appt. to Gene Juarez because my dear friend Elizabeth bought me a spa gift card for my bridal shower gift. Who knew there was $240 enough for the maternity spa package!!! I love that girl so much and knew this was the perfect time to use it! I got the Vichy Shower, a maternity massage and an express pedicure. I went in at noon and was done around 3:45pm. It was exactly what I needed!!! The Vichy shower was amazing. I laid on this bed and was propted up on all these different pillows. Michael put exfoliants all over my body and rubbed it in and then I was showered off by 12 nozzles of water that was above me. I had big soft towels covering my top and bikini area and my face... it was like a pressure wash and my skin was so soft afterwards. Then came the massage and I thought it was going to be hard because I had to lay on my side. It was better than I could have ever imagine!! Topped off by a nice pedicure that made my feet feel relaxed and refreshed. It was a perfect day to help my week.
I know that things will happen and troubles will come my way but never did I think it would come all at once. I am keeping my head up and trying to rest and drink as much as I can... my baby shower is this Saturday and I have a medical test Friday and my ultrasound on Monday so we will find out how Julius is doing. Please pray for us... I know that God will take care of us no matter what... Ok, just had to get it all out... stress, express, and let it go! =)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mom and her Acupuncture
Friday, January 16, 2009
Pray for Katie
Monday, January 12, 2009
30 going on 31... WEEKS!

First Pic... not so bad...

How could he say I am not getting big?!

Not so bad...

Friday, January 2, 2009

I finally got my Sweetpeace Swing and my Melbourne Pack n' Play!!

I bought a new trial size bottle of lotion from my work, BBW, it is called Optimsm and that is what I am going to be for the new year. I will take everything God gives me and turn it into something positive-a blessing from God. Enjoy life, take it one day at a time, and dont be too busy that something great passes you by. We need to learn to be patient and take things slow... now a days we are rushing rushing... stop and look around you, stop and think of all the great things God has given us and stop to thank Him for everything you have.