Sunday, February 8, 2009

Love... Sunday

I love Sundays. This is the day of rest and now that I have taken time off from BBW, Sunday is truly my day of rest. I spent today going to church, relaxing, watching a movie and eating sandwiches. I loved everything about today. The class that my DH and I have been attending has been so inspirational and helpful for our relationship. We are meeting people in there that have been really nice and show us how to have a marriage based on being Christ-centered. This is so important to me because I want so badly for PJ to be the leader of our family and to have a Christ-centered home. It makes me really happy that he now wakes up before me on Sunday mornings. I know this sounds weird, but I used to be the one who got up first and get into the shower right away. Lately with being pregnant, I have snoozed the alarm for 5 minutes, but then PJ jumps right up and gets to the shower first... I am happy because that means he is excited to go to church instead of sleeping in. This is very important to me and warms my heart because that means we are one step closer. =)


Sherry said... good to read this. Love you sis!

SavedbyGrace said...

keep it up! i'm glad you found a good church