Monday, February 2, 2009

Love... through God's eyes

Love... John 13:31-35

We need to learn to do three things in order to love like God wants us to.

  1. Accept others unconditionally - Romans 15:7

  2. Commit yourself personally - I John 3:16

  3. Forgive others freely - Colossians 3:13

God loves us no matter what... it doesn't mean He approves of what we do at all times, but He does accept us. Love needs commitment. One thing that I need to work on and I am sure everyone needs to work on this one is... Remember no more - Hebrews 10:17.

Why is it that we are so easy to judge those that are different or even those that need love the most? Why can we forgive but then say later, we can't forget? Imagine if God told us He would fogive everything we do but will never forget... How would that make us feel?!

My DH and I heard this during our message at church yesterday... it was an eye opener and my DH even wrote a note to me saying, "I will remember no more Yobo!" I thought it was really cute because we both knew this is something that would only help us in life and in our marriage.

We need to offer forgiveness and ask for forgiveness... we need to forgive AND forget. Believe me, it will help you live your life so much happier and it will be filled with love more so than any other feeling. I challange you... can you remember no more?


SavedbyGrace said...

I love reading about your spiritual growth and you marrital growth. I pray for you guys a lot. How's JP?

Sherry said...

You guys are blessed to be able to hear the things you need in your marriage. Praying for all of you, especially JP!

TrulyBlessed said...

Oh thank you ladies... I will find out today about JP at my dr. appt. I really do think God has blessed us with this Sunday School class. It is great to hear what we don't like to hear but need to hear. If that makes sense. Our church is really great and right now in class we are reading a book called "Divorce-Proof your Marriage" and a couple nights during the week we try to read together. It is a real eye opener for us!

Traci said...

What a beautiful post, and something that I definitely needed to read today, and I'm glad that the Lord used your blog to nudge some sense into me...

I think you've definitely inspired me to work on some things.